We're Here to Help
Moore Adjusters is extremely well-versed regarding a range of damages to your most important life investments. After all, we have worked personally with these types of incidents on a daily basis for 29 years and counting.
We understand that in most instances, you simply cannot wait for your insurance company to respond, which is why we offer instant advising 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
As your advocate, we will use our unparalleled experience to provide a detailed inspection of your property damages, then utilize our knowledge of proper construction and cleanup methods to develop a detailed line-by-line estimate which will work to your advantage in building your insurance claim.
Instead of relying on insurance companies’ own hired experts who work to justify your absolute minimum settlement payment, make your claim satisfaction a reality; don’t settle for less—call Moore today.
Fire Damage
No matter if your fire started in the chimney, from grease, due to arson or well beyond, one thing’s for sure: fire can be a devastating force of nature that consumes and destroys anything in its path. Fire losses are also extremely complex due to the unique behavior of smoke—wet or dry—, which can flow through pipes and migrate, causing extreme damages beyond the charred remains of a structure and greatly affect the restoration process.
Water Damage
Water lines that burst from pressure, cracks or freezing, can cause severe damage to your property. Even worse, if not treated and handled properly, water damage can cause corrosion, mildew, mold or other serious future issues.

Lightning Damage
Did you know that each year lightning causes more property destruction and injuries than hurricanes, floods and tornadoes combined? From buildings’ structural damages to electrical and communication system breakdowns, the costs of a lightning strike can be astounding.
Windstorm Damage
Fierce winds. Torrential downpours. Swollen seas. Hurricanes, also known as tropical storms, can blast—and in the worst case scenario, erase—islands, coastlines and cities. Remediation can be wildly costly, despite how prepared you may have been.

Flood Damage
A flood can damage your property in ways that are not always fully visible, and even in ways that can cause scary future issues. Great care must be taken in the inspection of all aspects of a flood event.
Theft losses are some of the most difficult to adjust with insurance companies; not only do you have to prove ownership of stolen belongings, but also their values. It’s also not uncommon for vacant residential and commercial properties to be burglarized and vandalized, all for even a small amount of copper tubing. We are experts at helping prepare a master list.

Home Building Collapse
Collapses can be devastating. Structural damage may require heavy debris removal, along with shoring, bridging, sidewalk protection and further engineering to ensure that the highest safety standards are met.
From graffiti to oil spills, malicious mischief and/or random acts of violence can severely damage personal and commercial property. Sometimes, to sell in the aftermarket for pennies on the dollar, vandals/burglars will even tear out copper pipes; this can cause severe water damage to your property and require enormous, complex plumbing repairs.